Our Mission:
At Montessori Villa Wisdom “We will Serve, Protect, Nourish and Mentor each unique child helping in ultimate growth and development to become a humble and successful citizen of Canada”.
Our Mission
Montessori Villa Wisdom, is an Early Bilingual Childcare founded on the basis of Montessori Philosophy and latest Canadian Ministry of education standards set and based by CCEYA. Montessori Villa Wisdom services Toronto, Scarborough, Markham and nearby communities.
Our Method
Montessori Villa Wisdom’s philosophy of learning is based on Montessori methods, materials pedagogy and programming is in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s policy statement as is set out in “How Does Learning Happen” (HDLH).
Montessori Villa Wisdom cares for and educates, Toddlers, Pre-School and Kinder-Garden children from 18months to 6years of age. Regular hours of operation are from Monday to Friday, Opening at 7:30am to 6:00pm. In addition to program hours, Montessori Villa Wisdom provides before and after care. Special Camps are also available during PA days, March break, Summer and Winter holiday times which run year long.
Preparatory - CASA - Toddlers
18 months to 2.5 years
2.5 months to 4 years
CASA Two - Kinder-garden
4 years to 6+ Years