French Montessori Program
18 Months - 6+ Years
The Montessori French Program allows for the individuals to speak mostly in French. Children are in an absorbent stage for language, the children are absorbing the vocabulary and the nuances of the language through consistent everyday conversation with the French staff. On completion of the Early Childhood curriculum (Casa), at a minimum the child is expected to be able to respond to French greetings. French lessons are given once a day by a French Teacher. The children may be grouped in accordance to their age level in a more traditional format. Children receive 30 - 45 minutes of instruction per day. The aim of the program is to develop basic communication skills in the French language and build on the literacy skills that the children have already acquired in the early programs. Text books and work books are used for this class.
Music & Movement - Indoor Entertainment
18 Months - 6+ years
Music for all - children have music classes once a week with a music teacher. They sing songs from a variety of cultures and historical periods and listen to, perform and create music. Montessori Bells, Piano and reading notes are few basis. They learn words for familiar tunes using rhythm. The children create music with simple rhythm sticks, bells, the triangle, tambourine, drums, etc. The children are taught to identify the beat, rhythm, melodic contour, dynamics and tempo in familiar pieces of music. Time signature, whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes are introduced. They also learn to identify and recognize the sounds of the orchestra instruments. All cultural music is appreciated equally. In CASA 1 & 2, the children learn singing, musical theatre. Children are expected to be able communicate their thoughts and feelings about the music would like to learn.
Visual Arts
Discovery zone in the indoor entertainment area dedicated to music and movement teaches about visual arts. This area teaches about documentaries, films, movies, camera, photography, videography, iPad, VR systems. The specific distinction is made for reality versus fantasy. The imagination and brain stimulation is crucial. The child is encouraged to think outside the BOX.
Puppet shows, indoor camping themes and role play Drama is integrated into the program. The children can perform short musical theatre shows. The children create dramatic works to communicate the meaning of poems, stories, paintings, myths and other source material drawn from a wide range of cultures. They solve problems in different kinds of dramatic situations through role music and movement. The children create their own short dramatic pieces and perform them and/or put on a large production to perform to their parents either before the holidays or at the end of the year.
Physical Education is combined with Dance. All dance forms are given equal importance. The children are encouraged to communicate, through movement, their thoughts and feelings about selected topics. Children are introduced to different dance forms of the world. At the end, the children are expected to recognize and choose appropriate elements of movement for dramatizing their responses to different ideas. Martial arts are also incorporated with dance moves.